Sunday, October 16, 2011

Very Ticked Off!

Some of you may remember that I posted pictures of my sisters baby shower back in January of 2010. Well it was brought to my attention today that someone has been using one of my photos on their website and claiming it as her own:

Her name is Karla and you can see her plagiarising post here

In the past as some of you already know I have had to deal with other people copying my work and claiming them as their own. Such as the tea boxes which I made for about 30 fellow bloggers and passed out at a get together. Well one so-called "blogging friend" took that gift and figured out how it was made (not that it was hard) and started selling seats for a "make and take" in her craft store in which they learned how to make the very gift I made her. And I also hear that she is selling those tea boxes in her craft store. Very hurtful because it was a "gift". And then I have also had two other local craft girls actually purchase items from me and then turn around and post the instructions of how to make them on their blog. Without any due credit to myself or even permission to do so. Usually being CASED is an honor (when due credit is given) but not when they pretend it was their idea. I have not posted about the above noted situation before but seeing this post by Creations By Karla really took the cake. It is more hurtful than anything when these people claim to be your friends. I will not mention any names or give any blog addresses for the above mentioned because those people know who they are. After seeing what this lady Karla did I just had to mention it. So if any of you were wondering why I haven't updated my blog in a long time, this is the main reason. I guess you could say I am still a little bitter about it all.


  1. OMG sister! I can't believe this sh*t is still happening to you! I'll message you privately. Love you girl!

  2. I hope you rectify this matter it is crazy....i miss seeing your creations....

  3. That is so wrong. She has more than one of your pictures on there too. How does anyone ever think that is OK. I hope to see you posting more, your Hello Kitty ideas "made" me go out and buy that cartridge.

  4. Oh Chals, this is so immoral of her! And the NERVE of her using the actual pic from your post! I'm emailing you.

  5. This sucks. I hope you will continue to share your ideas. They give me inspiration!

  6. I'm so sorry that others are trying to pass YOUR beautiful creative work as their own! Clearly, you can tell that the lady did not make the two items (your items) shown in her photo, if you look at the rest of her work, it looks like crap!!!
    Looking at your blogsite photo's makes me HAPPY, yet at the same time it's sad that people simply cut & paste and say "I made it"!!!

  7. I am so sorry this has happened to you! I posted a "SHAME ON YOU" comment on this woman's blog. LOVE AND MISS YOU LOTS!

  8. I am SO SORRY Chals! I have been out of the loop and haven't been checking blogs till now. I didn't know what others were doing to you and I am in disbelief and really ashamed of those who decided to take advantage of you and that others would do this to you. You do WONDERFUL and FABULOUS creations and I love seeing what you create. I hope that these ladies know what they did and come forth and apologize to you. Well hope all is well with you besides this. Take care and please keep in touch! BIG HUGS TO YOU!

  9. I wasn't aware that it was still an on-going issue with you. I miss seeing all of your wonderful creations. What happened to you was just not nice! Hope you know that you've got some local gals rooting for you!! Big hugs to you!

  10. i know how you feel girl! this past weekend I was at mililani craftfair... saw my friend there who had bought a couple of my composition books in the past... I saw her selling the same exact product! down to the same ribbon and same exact wordings that i use on my composition books... BTW i was a few booths from hers! Some nerve... she was selling hers for more than mines too!!! So sad. I hope you delete those people out of your life! NO GOOD PEOPLE!!!

  11. omg this chick is a major fraud... she like stole every post she ever did... how sad... thats just wrong.. i hope your attorney can do something.. thats just wrong.... keep us posted on what happen i hope justices is served...
