Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Happy Girls Day!!!

Happy Girls Day to all of you out there in blog land!  Please excuse the lack of posts lately.  Both of my children celebrated their 12th and 14th birthdays and I was busy planning and crafting for the party.  And can you believe that I don't have any pictures of the things I made for the party!  I was so busy (since I started things so last minute) that taking pictures for this blog totally slipped my mind!  What an IDIOT!  Anyways, the party was fun and everyone loved their handmade grab bags.  Well, back to Girls Day.....yesterday it dawned on me that it was Girls Day already!  My gosh...where did the time  go?  I swear the days are just flying by too fast!  So anyways, I had to sit at my desk and brain storm on what I could make for the kids teachers and friends.  It's a good thing that I work better under pressure!  Well, with not much time on my hands I decided to do something similar to what I made for Girls Day last year (see last picture on this post)  Each milk carton is filled with a different treat.
Here is another version.  These milk cartons in a carrier were for the kids teachers.  I had honestly planned on putting Hello Kitty on it since Girls Day is a Japanese holiday but by two in the morning I was exhausted and was in no mood to make dozens of Hello Kittys!  Anyway, I think these beautiful designer papers are pretty enough to leave undecorated.  This picture shows the Japanese treats that were included in the milk cartons.
These single milk cartons are a little larger than the ones I put in the carriers.  These were for my daughters friends.  I surely wasn't about to make the milk cartons with carriers for all her friends since it would take me forever,  so I made these bigger so that I could fill it with more treats.
The kids brought them to school today and said that every one loved them.
These are the ones I made last year.  The Hello Kitty Cricut cartridge didn't exist at the time so I downloaded this image from the internet.

Have an awesome evening!


  1. too cute. i need to make some of those milk cartons..what a great idea. TFS

  2. these milk cartons are so pretty and a wonderful project to make! I only made something small for the teacher and didn't even bother making for the kids...I was too busy making other things for friends and co-workers! as always love your lovely DP. good job!

  3. I just love these milk cartons. I have yet to try it. Very pretty. Love those Hello Kitty ones.
